Celebrating Women

on national women entrepreneurship day!

Part of our mission is to build other women up through collaboration and our own women business consortium, THE CEO SOCIETY. Hats off to all the LADY CEOS who work hard every day to raise children, grow businesses and build each other up. A day like to today is an amazing way to celebrate the amazing women behind small business.

Today is National Women’s Entrepreneurship Day! Celebrated annually, this day recognizes and empowers women entrepreneurs and business owners across the globe. It highlights our achievements, it recognizes our contributions to the economy, and it brings awareness to the challenges we face. Although many of these initiatives are designed to promote gender equality, that is not why we celebrate it at CEO Marketing Group. We simply use this day to celebrate the moxie, entrepreneurial prowess and gumption that women have for our businesses. The goal is to promote gender equality in entrepreneurship, inspire women to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams and create networks of support for women in business. Our very own women’s consortium, The CEO Society, exemplifies the very spirit of this day, and we invite you to join us in our movement to grow together in business!

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