903 guide
pro tips, promos & more from the locally famous businesses in the 903
Kristie Christensen Marketing Group is passionate about telling the stories of amazing brands. When we married that passion with our love for collaboration and telling client stories through interactive media and grass roots marketing, 903 GUIDE was born. We published 903 GUIDE as a media hub and business directory curating the faces, spaces, places and social graces of East Texas Businesses.
903 GUIDE is a mixed bag of media outreach. It’s an interactive newsletter, where we’ve curated our client stories, special promotions, pro tips and more, and we’ve wrapped it up in a nice little bow to send it right to your inbox. It’s a mobile app and full directory web site where you can search for your locally famous businesses in the 903, read their full stories, advertise your own business and watch storytelling videos and gather even more insight. And, from time to time, we’ll host events where you can meet the faces behind these stellar businesses.
We even have an archive on this page and on our 903 GUIDE web site in case you missed an issue.
You’re welcome!